Fuel Tank Training / CDCCL - level 1 - upon completion you will receive a level 1 certificate.
Level 1 is for persons representing the maintenance management structure of the organisation, the quality manager and the staff required to quality monitor the organisation. Also,personnel of the competent authorities responsible as per 145.B.30 for the oversight of PartÂ145 approved maintenance organizations.
This training meets the requirements associated with EASA Decisions 2009/006/R and 2009/007/R issued in March 2009 and Acceptable Means of Compliance material of Part M and Part 145 to account for Fuel System Safety Issues.
The Training Requirement:
To familiarise students with the elements of fuel system safety issues including its language, history and practical considerations.
There is no requirement for level 1 course delegates to take a refresher, therefore there is no expiry date on this certificate.
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